Exploring Unconscious Beliefs

”Exploring unconscious beliefs can be a difficult and daunting task. But it is absolutely essential if you want to make meaningful progress in life. Unconscious beliefs are the hidden truths that drive your behavior, even though they often remain hidden from plain view. It is only when you take the time and effort to explore these subconscious views of yourself, others, and the world around you that real change can begin to happen for you in life.

So what exactly are unconscious beliefs? Well, put simply, an unconscious belief refers to any idea or thought about yourself or someone/something else which falls outside of conscious thinking yet still motivates your behaviors without being explicitly aware of them doing so. Your conscious mind tends not to focus on these more below-the-surface ideas, but nonetheless they may have significant influence over how we think and act throughout our day-to-day lives—such as fears around success or failure; feelings towards money; relationship tendencies—all stemming from past experiences that stay embedded within us long after their occurrence has come and gone.

Uncovering those deeply held—often misguided—beliefs provide us with vital insight into ourselves, which allows us to then start making better decisions going forward based upon a more knowledgeable understanding rather than acting out blindly with no awareness at all as most people usually do unconsciously! Exploring this part of ourselves gives us the power to make lasting changes rather than having short-term successes due to a lack of a deeper knowledge base behind the decision-making process itself.

One way many psychologists recommend exploring our own unconscious beliefs is through journaling—writing down thoughts before falling asleep each night provides access to important inner dialogue happening inside our head, where otherwise it is easy to ignore during a busy day full of distractions and other stimulus luring our attention away from self-exploration. This type of introspection, known as dream analysis, is a key psychoanalytic practice and helps bring light to the issues underlying the cause of potentially troubling patterns observed in our daily routines, both personal and professional endeavors intertwined, while also allowing the identification of possible solutions to addressing them directly once they are identified clearly enough.

Another great resource to delve deeper into our own psychology is free online assessments like the Myers Briggs Test of Personality (MBTI)—a widely used tool to decipher individual’s preprogrammed traits developed by psychoanalysts Carl Jung and Katharine Briggs—or the Enneagram test to unpack nine distinct types of personality that categorize the manner in which humans display their interpersonal relationships. These tests offer very helpful insights into our unique profile and where traditional forms of therapy might seem too expensive or intimidating to pursue given the circumstance, we could still benefit from a tremendous amount of information provided in the results to avoid spending much time and energy searching in the unknown darkness of our psyche without proper guidance.

Whatever path you decide to take when exploring this unfamiliar ground of our internal landscape, make sure you are not just setting off blindfolded but are armed with sufficient resources necessary to make the journey safe and productive one! With newfound clarity comes increased confidence and a sense of control as we wield the power of previously unseen shifting dynamics surrounding ‘self’ effortlessly leading to a greater quality of life overall.”

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other qualified health-care professional. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this information. The contents of the website are provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Guest Post by Stephanie Hampton