Exploring Values

”Exploring your values is a critical part of understanding yourself and ultimately leading a fulfilling life. It is something that everyone should take the time to do, as it will bring you one step closer to knowing who you are, what matters most to you in life, and how best to live according thereto. As Jordan Peterson said:

‘If people would learn more about themselves they would become more tolerant of each other.



So the question becomes: How can I explore my values? And furthermore, why should I even bother doing so? Let’s begin by addressing these two questions.

To start exploring your values means understanding what has shaped them throughout history until this very moment in time; where did these beliefs come from? Were they formed through personal experiences or inherited from family members or other outside influences? By taking some time out for self-reflection and delving deep into past memories, conversations with others, and written materials like books or articles—anything related—you can get an idea of which factors have had an effect on how those particular value systems were created within yourself over the years. Keeping track via journaling could help make sense out of any chaotic thoughts during this process too!

Once having established where certain moral codes originated from—whether partly consciously chosen by oneself due to internal motivations versus external pressures—then it’s important that we also ask ourselves if there are areas within our lives which could be improved upon when looking at our current set-up involving both behavior patterns as well as just physical behaviors such as eating habits, etc. The next step, therefore, logically follows suit (as far as exploration towards realigning one’s goals with new-found vibrant energy): Are there any changes needed in regards to lifestyle decisions because either old structures no longer serve me anymore nor do they reflect my true desires/needs anymore? Or, better yet, another point altogether: Is now maybe actually the right moment for introducing radical shifts; forming new paths leading forward instead? Having identified potential roadblocks beforehand facilitates easier maneuverability later on down that chosen route, once a clear vision regarding final goals has been formulated! After all, knowledge constitutes power!

Moving along further, let’s acknowledge all small victories achieved thus far; recognizing individual accomplishments allows us plenty of room to keep striving forwards! So far, ‘the plan’ might have been modified here and there…but at least we haven’t given up entirely! Whenever setbacks occur, it is perfectly alright to admit defeat, but don’t forget to keep faith alive, opting instead to inwardly demonstrate resilience (’cause after all, nothing good ever comes easy…). Failing does not equate to failure, not even close! Learning curves always require patience and persistence—valuable traits worth cultivating indeed!

Finally, last but not least: Why should one embark upon such a journey? Because living authentically involves staying steadfastly committed to one’s purpose whilst bearing witness to one’s own unique existence/individuality proudly standing tall amidst increasing pressure modern society instill concerning its citizens having to fall in line completely… Doing exactly the opposite (i.e. following one’s own instincts despite external judgement) increases the chances greatly of getting a feeling of being fulfilled, positively energizing rather than draining resources before eventually running dry again, starting a vicious circle anew… In turn, allowing everybody else pick apart choices made only serves to exacerbate the issue further, being detrimental towards one’s overall wellbeing with long-term consequences!!! Bottom-line remains the same, nevertheless, namely, let thy inner voice guide thee straight towards a genuine path, ultimately creating sustainable happiness, achievable lasting peace of mind, without resorting to negative coping mechanisms either in the form of drugs, alcohol, numbing emotions, turning away from topics normally discussed openly, sometimes even finding solace on social media platforms trying to escape harsh realities the world today brings forth, clearly showing signs of truth and resiliency, beating the odds against conventionally accepted norms, willingly embracing unconventional pathways, simultaneously makes possible deeper satisfaction, facilitating a special type of connection that leads inevitably to discovering previously unexplored realms, giving richer meaning to everyday experiences, integrating diverse skill sets, invaluable insight, and consequently encouraging healthy growth, essential for a tranquil state of soul…”

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Guest Post by Stephanie Hampton