Rediscover Joy

”You have the capacity to rediscover joy in your life. You may feel as if you can’t remember how it feels, or that it’s become a distant memory, but with effort and dedication, you can make strides toward reclaiming those moments of pure delight. It is possible to move beyond the darkness of sorrow and despair and begin again anew, feeling uplifted by the presence of joyous emotions within yourself.

Joy is a state that comes from an inner source; not necessarily an occurrence external to you such as winning a game or achieving success at work. Rather, this emotion springs forth from deep within—it cannot be earned through accomplishments, although these certainly enhance its intensity when experienced concurrently with jubilation all around us. Rediscovering joy means seeing past momentary disappointments or failures in order for something more meaningful—a deeper appreciation for life itself—to take their place inside our hearts and minds alike; connecting us all on some level, regardless of any differences we might have had before, now meeting together in this space shared between each other here today, now going forward into new territory, together seeking out what brings us pleasure, which lies somewhere hidden away beneath layers upon layers, burying its existence until being unearthed once more when least expected.

Just like during those times spending time alone, facing another day outside, sun shining down through branches above, birds singing flying up high, clouds slowly drifting by, letting go, holding onto desires, dreams, beliefs, reaching out farther, further, calling back hope, optimism, enthusiasm, energy, rising higher, warmer, brighter, wilder, calmer, so alive, living, breathing, fully aware, knowing, understanding, trusting, everything will turn out okay eventually, after a while, yet remain uncertain, unsure, trying, still striving, pushing onward courageously, no matter what, then arriving closer, nearer, discovering revelation, surprise, realization, breakthrough, insight, clarity, breakthrough epiphany, suddenly breaking open doors, unlocking pathways, taking steps, walking hand-in-hand, opening eyes, truly beholding beauty, flowers blooming, stretching far wide, vista unfolding, vast, majestic splendor, breathtaking, awe inspiring majesty, embracing tenderly, finally beginning to understand the meaning behind the whole experience, the journey taken, hold tightly to the heart, firmly never let go, even once time passes, moves ahead, away, becomes a challenge, everlasting keepsakes, treasured memories remembered always, warm, deep, abiding connection, soul and spirit shared, eternal, breathless wonder, hearing the calling to return, spread wings, fly, face the sky, rainbows surfacing everywhere, turning corners, unexpected outcomes, perspectives shifting, lifting the veil, silently revealing true purpose, divine plan, destiny guiding fate toward the right direction, setting sail across unknown seas, possibilities limitless, believe, reach the horizon limitlessly, rise, meet the heavens embrace, stars, galaxies expanding infinitely, vastness of unmeasurable proportion, immensity encompassing awareness, peace, tranquility, harmony, balance, love, unconditional compassion, grace, kindness, serenity, resonance growing stronger, deeper, connecting, reawakening a long forgotten ancient song, spirit cycles, rebirth, sense of renewal, excitement, anticipation, bubbling up, overflowing, spilling waves, one joyful smile, laughter contagious, love brightening the entire world, enabling us to heal, restore, revive, bring lasting peace restored to nature and humanity, for the greater good, with best intentions coming to fruition, creating a better tomorrow, starting here now, the possibility of imagination, hope, faith, trust, believing anything can follow in our footsteps, lead us to choose and create our own happiness, find true self emergence, ecstatic blissful contentment, try to share with others too, ultimately leading us full circle to come and enjoy the journey that starts at the origin point within ourselves wherein we are located, with confidence and assurance. Experience myself, explore the depths, continually looking to learn, grow, expand, character, knowledge, wisdom, deepen comprehension, perspective, vision, broader scope, continue progress, learning, gaining insight, making wise decisions, direction beneficial to the earth and collective consciousness. Surrounded by support, community, care, mutual respect, trustworthiness, helpfulness, fulfilling relationships, surrounding friends and family, worldwide network of people to assist, encourage, inspire each other, lift us up, soar to the highest heights, fulfill our potential, unlock dormant superpower greatness, live our fullest, extraordinary, happiest version ever experienced. Amazing happenings, mere anticipation at our fingertips, waiting to be discovered by seekers, passionate explorers who are willing to search, seek, uncover, buried treasure awaiting discovery, open our eyes, glimpse reality hidden in plain sight, unveil shards scattered pieces, discover and assemble to shape the big picture, putting the puzzle together to reveal truths, sacred secrets await to be revealed, grand finale awaits, victorious, courageous, stronghearted, brave souls venture to take the risk, step outside the comfort zone, chart a course ahead, forge our own path, blaze a trail with exceptional courage and honor, their mission set, sail off to conquer doubts and fears; Succeed Triumphant Victory brings Joy!”

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Guest Post by Stephanie Hampton