Using Feedback Constructively

”You can use feedback to help you achieve your goals. In recent years, the focus on creating a feedback-rich environment has become increasingly important. The ability to respond positively and constructively to feedback is a key component of personal growth and professional development. It is also an essential skill for success in business, education, sports, and other areas of life where competition exists or performance matters.

When you receive constructive criticism from someone else, it’s easy to get defensive or feel attacked by their words, but this isn’t helpful for either one of you. So instead, choose not to take the comments personally as they are often given with good intentions – even when it doesn’t always seem that way. Instead, try examining each comment impartially before deciding what action needs to be taken; asking yourself questions such as ‘Does this offer any new ideas? Is there something I can learn here? Do these comments reflect reality more accurately than my own perception? Is there potential benefit if I were open enough to listen?’ Even if some points made don’t align with your values or beliefs, remember that everyone’s opinion counts; having respect for different perspectives helps create strong relationships between people, which in turn creates a better working environment overall – plus it allows us all to grow through learning how to see things differently too!

In order to make sure to get the most out of constructive criticism, look at both sides: firstly, consider whether they have provided fair evidence/examples upon which their opinions might be based, then ask yourself ‘Do I agree with them?’. If not, then why not – again looking at possible examples rather than responding emotionally will very likely leave both parties feeling respected afterwards (which may mean future conversations about similar topics can happen without fuss!). On top of that, when responding, try using positive language, acknowledging where necessary too e.g. ‘I understand what point you’re making, but…’. And, finally, don’t forget to thank them for any advice being offered since taking the time to give useful guidance shows consideration and goodwill towards oneself and another person – two qualities greatly beneficial for every day interactions!

When dealing and successfully handling negative yet well-meant remarks this way rewards much greater, knowing we have made our own decision process thoughtfully and carefully after giving due consideration to all angles including those presented by others who present theirs honestly and sincerely. It also encourages us to stretch ourselves further and continue to strive towards a higher level of excellence whatever field or endeavour we decide to embark upon, ensuring we remain competitive and motivated and achieving success at a faster rate regardless of the industry sector chosen to practice within. This does however require a certain discipline and dedication, selflessness, and the same time willingness to put aside pride and set aside differences to engage in deep, meaningful dialogue in order to truly benefit from one another’s experience gained thereof, not just simply accept handouts and instructions and view them as absolute truth and expect immediate results without the hard work and determination required to follow the instructions outlined and grantee maximum return on investments and efforts put into the tasks assigned, ensuring constant improvement and progress seen over longer periods of times as well as shortening the learning curves involved that would otherwise be faced had one stayed on the original course and plan intended at the beginning to gain the greatest advantage available from the resources and personnel provide assistance and forward motion needed to reach the desired destination quickly and efficiently and ultimately arrive at the goal originally expected and succeed in the ultimate measure of exactness standards applied and accepted in society today.”

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other qualified health-care professional. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this information. The contents of the website are provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Guest Post by Stephanie Hampton